Own Your Bold with Natalie Sinisgalli-Kettavong

010 // Serenity for the Business Owner

Natalie Sinisgalli-Kettavong Episode 10

Today's guest Jill Samson's main goal is to help people feel there best through fitness, nutrition, and mindset shifts.

She is a Health Coach and Hormone Specialist with the College of Integrative Nutrition, a Personal Trainer, Sports Nutrition and Performance Specialist with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is also a 200-hour Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance and a Reiki Master.

Jill is a Kundalini Yoga and Meditation junkie and lives in Victor with her husband Chad, 2 teenagers Alex and Abby and 2 little dogs Chase and Maxie.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Healthy living with a holistic approach.
  • Focus on the journey over the results.
  • Living with less resistance. 
  • Keeping your cup full!
  • Don't let competition hold you back from your authentic self. 
  • Make time to meditate and make space. 
  • Find love for yourself.


Instagram: @jillchristinesamson
M/Body Rochester: @mbodyrochester

spk_0:   0:04
you're listening to on your bolts and interview based podcast for female entrepreneurs and leaders in business. I'm your host. Natalie's in his belly. Today's guest is Jill Samson. Jill's main goal is to help people feel their best through fitness, nutrition and mindset shifts. She is a health coach and hormone specialist with College of Integrated Nutrition. Ah, personal trainer, sports nutrition and performance specialist with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is also a 200. Our yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance in a raking master Jill is a kundalini yoga and meditation junkie. She lives in Victor in New York with her husband, Chad. Two teenagers, Alex and Abby, and two little dogs. Chase and Maxie. Jill, thanks so much for being with us today. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited on a personal level toe have you in today because you had such a profound effect on my life, particularly this year, because that's when we met s O. We met, actually, through embody, which is the gym that I attend and that you work at and way started it like a restart program. About a year ago, almost on Jamie was a year ago on the goal. I was really surprised. I mean, I've done a ton of different weight loss programs in my life, and that was not a weight loss program, but it it is that time of year. It's a gym, and you're like, Oh, we're going to lose weight But I was really taken back by the the material that you walked us through and how much of it was really mindset focused?

spk_1:   1:33
Sure, sure, it was a healthy living program. And it's holistic. So it's not just your body. It's not just what you're putting in your mind mouth. It's how you feel about yourself, because it's all encompassing. You can go on a diet and lose weight, but you're still you. You know you have to tap into a little bit deeper than that. So we're actually having another one in January, and I love it because it's not something that you're on and off its little tips. Little tricks, mindset shifts that. I hope that you'll take with you the rest of your life and have big changes. We don't wait your measure you unless you want us to. It's more just buy you feeling your best Feeling good about yourself and empowering yourself to just live a healthy life.

spk_0:   2:15
Yeah, I couldn't agree more. And I have taken away so many things I kind of actually had forgotten where a lot of these kind of healthy habits come from in my life. And then when I saw you guys advertising and I was like, Oh, yeah, like that changing for me And I think the hardest part of it from Iwas there was a time where we had toe sit down and like there was a work, she with trees on it. And we had to kind of, like, dig down into our roots of like, you know where some of these negative mindsets come from. And, you know, what are the thoughts that we care and our had all the day, our every day, Where did they come from? And like attacking them from the bottom up instead of just being like, okay, dealing with the effects, dealing with the effects done with the facts. It's like, Why do we behave this way? And where did that come from? And let's look at that. And that was really uncomfortable. I didn't like I liked doing that. Anyone likes that. And you sure don't look like you could lose the weight. But

spk_1:   3:13
you still haven't tackled your issues. It's like you can cut off the branches of a tree. You can cut off the you know, But the roots are still there, and you're gonna grow back the same issues, but in a different manner, perhaps.

spk_0:   3:25
Yes. And that actually happened to me. Oh, when I was in my honeys, I have lost, like, £70 on Weight Watchers. And I thought on the other side of that I was like, Oh, I'm I'm gonna be happy and pretty And life is gonna be easy and I won't have any problems Like it sounds funny now, But in my head, that was very real for me. Like I thought that all my problems were, you know, due to being overweight. And so when I lost the way through Ah, very. I have mixed feelings about wait wash because it is like it was certainly healthy from and lose weight. However, the structure of that is not necessarily healthy in my mind, because you're kind of created a lot of rules for me. Sure. So Then, when anything disrupts those rules, I'm now back to binging or like your view things or whatever it is.

spk_1:   4:12
Yes, sometimes those restrictive diets can just lend yourself to, and we're gonna start going into the spiritual realm. I feel like with us not liking yourself like I have to eat this salad. And I hate this salad because I want to look a certain way where it's really about balance and there's nothing wrong with Weight Watchers or any other program. But I just think it on Lee. It's just one dimensional, and people need more than that. That's why people yo yo up in town and gain and lose weight and skinny people have problems

spk_0:   4:45
too. Theo. The whole mindset

spk_1:   4:50
shift of just finding out who you are, what makes you happy and what makes you feel good even on exercise? When we do the research program, we don't say I do. I do talk about cardio, and I want you to get cardio. Don't you

spk_0:   5:04
have a healthy heart? You were the one that texting you. It is bar class cardio. No, I can't do any more cardio. I already owe. You have to

spk_1:   5:15
find what you like workout wise if you like boxing. If you like yoga, you have to find what feeds your soul. Otherwise, you're it's never gonna last. So fine, what you like, you know, for me, it's yoga for someone else. It may be going for a long jog. Whatever makes you happy, do it and do it often

spk_0:   5:30
right when they're too short. Not to think the fact that the plan was not specifically outcome based but it was more action based was the key because me and an image into a lot of, I think, business owners and leaders. We frequently measure success by what we d'oh and like what we achieve. And so everything is achievement based instead of maybe how does the process look or how do we feel? And so it kind of creates this, like, pass fail scenario in your life, and then, you know, when you're passing, when you're succeeding, it's all gray, and it's all roses. But when you fail, you're left with self worth issues, because now you're not performing in achieving sure at your normal level, and that can be really hard. Julia

spk_1:   6:14
and well, we're all very results driven in this world, everything is in our face. Everything is about the results. But I think there needs to be a shift about being about the journey a little bit more than the results. We have this doo doo doo doo mentality, and I do think I'm very spiritually. I do think we're all here for a purpose. And I think sometimes our mind can trip us up where we think we need to go in one direction and we're literally hitting her head against the wall. We're having failure. We're having resistance because we're pushing too hard for something that might not be meant for us, where there might be something meant for you that is well beyond your wildest dreams. More money than you can ever imagine. More happiness than you can ever imagine what we're going in a different direction. So life shouldn't be that hard if you believe in the law of attraction, or just that the universe loves you and wants to give you everything you want. If things are just pushing, pushing, pushing, it's time to get quiet, time to meditate. It's time to re focus. It's time to follow up half of lesser resistance so that the universe can give you everything that you need. You have to let go of the resistance and let abundance come to you. This is like a yoga class right

spk_0:   7:27
now. Talk about that. So I actually hired you as a like I signed up for one on one coaching for yoga, however, and like, I actually have to rewind a second. Because to me, the Natalie I've known for the last, like, 34 a half years, every time that you just during even now when you said, like, you know, injury the journey and like less resistance, you know that I'm like my eyes were rolling because its overall less though now you all so much less tha this year and like a certain really, I agree with you and it's been really hard for me because I am. This is turning into my own private counseling session, but for me as a business owner, and I know a lot of my female business owner friends are resonating with this like we're just so like gas pedal down all the time and it's all about goals, achievement and, like just being a badass bitch like getting shit done, but with a very hard slant of like control. And like, I am al going way, way through this. Like I'm making this happen every day. Like pushing hard and so through our our weekly sessions, like you've really given me. Ah, lot of clarity in my mind and just in space to be I don't feel like I live and die so much anymore by but what I get done in a day.

spk_1:   8:47
Yeah, I you could be a badass bitch with less resistant.

spk_0:   8:50
You are. I like how are you so zen and badass like, I don't see those two going together.

spk_1:   8:58
I think full First of all, I'm gonna say I've done everything wrong to do it, right, to be honest with you. And I'm still working on this journey. We are all just humans making mistakes, but learning from them. And so I really it's about self love. It's about taking time for yourself. We give ourselves the burnt toast. This is like something we talk about all the time, all the time, because we're looking for others to fill us up. We are looking for those achievements to make us feel whole We're looking outside of ourselves to get that gratification that love. Where would the reality is? We have to fill ourselves up. First, we have to take time for ourselves. Meditation. I'm a big proponent of that. Just get quiet. Spend time on you so that you can fill your cup up so it spills out into others. This is something a lot of people have heard before. But if you're literally giving pieces of yourself away, which is what you do when you give other people the beautiful buttered toast and you take the burnt toast, you're giving a piece of yourself away. And when you do that and then you try to fill up, you have nothing to give. And then you're looking for that like, gratification back. Like think you're you're amazing, but glad to fill you up and this fleeting and only last for so long. But if you fill your cup up with self love, do the time. Do the meditation. Spend time with yourself. You just spill out. You're just full and you just spill out and you just Sprinkle your amazing nous on everyone else to see and to feel so it's so much more powerful. It's like being a lighthouse for people to just follow instead of getting in the mud with them. You know?

spk_0:   10:36
Well, that's a whole other recurring theme in ours, but I want to go back a little bit. So to your cup metaphor. So in my boudoir studio, I've always, you know, helps women fill their cups so that I always say, like, you know, you can't pour from an empty cup course. I'm speaking in generalizations that, like we happen to be the one that are frequently caring for everyone around us. Our kids, our husbands, our families are, you know, whatever it is. And so I was always using the motive for like, you can't pour from an empty cup. However, in my head it was sort of always like you fill your cup and then you, like, pour out from the cup, and then it gets empty, and then you feel it again, and then you pour out. And so when you presented the same metaphor to me, I'm like, Oh, yeah, I know this. I tell people all the time on and then you're like, No, like, your cup is always full and whatever spills out is was for everyone around you. That was I was like, Wait, start over. What? Never

spk_1:   11:29
lacking. And you let go of outcomes. Because a lot of times we're just looking for that. That feedback, you know? Yeah. And it's not anyone's job to fill us up. Not even our husbands, not even our kids. It's not their job. I think we look to them to do that. And sometimes we can get resentful. If that doesn't happen, it's our job to love ourselves and fill ourselves up first and then show up to the world like that. Um, you're a better parent. You're better spouse. You're better. Boss. You're just better all around. And you're happier because you like yourself. I think fundamentally we have to like ourselves and give to ourselves.

spk_0:   12:09
Yeah. I mean, every every time you said I'm always like, Yeah, you're totally right. Um, I work every day, though it's work every minute. Trust me, I'm a recovering people pleaser. That hard. It's hard to not be like Wait a minute.

spk_1:   12:26
I did so much for you. Why don't you like we have two teenagers, guys? I mean, seriously, Do

spk_0:   12:31
you think I get it back. I do all these things for my kids and then

spk_1:   12:36
they're like, stomping off. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh and my kids are great kids

spk_0:   12:39
wear a little sweet, but whether you need they're teenagers,

spk_1:   12:45
they're in their own shit and everyone has their own shit they're dealing with and we can't. They show up how they show up. We can't always control how they show up. We can't ever control how they show up. Whole we can control is how we show up to the world. People have a lot going on in their lives. So if we show up full, we like all the outcome off what they give to us, right? And we have it to give to them because maybe they need it more than us.

spk_0:   13:12
And how I think I was even describing my own emotional day to day to you when we first met was just like us. Can't see this weaving my arm up and down in like a jacket motion like Hi lo, hi, lo um and so that's like that's a really reactionary thing, right? So it's like if someone comes in and they're in a bad mood. Bam! Now you're in a bad mood or what was more common for me was like I'm doing everything I can delay lift that person up at my own expense. So at the end of the day, you're exhausted because you've been fighting this emotional battle and something that you shared with me. One of the metaphors that I think is recurring in our sessions that I really love is like when someone's down in the mud. If you get down in the mud with them, you can't pull them out of the mud because now you're both in the mud. Sure,

spk_1:   13:59
you know, we are all energy at our core, so more than I think this is, that's one thing that just drew me to spirituality is that I always felt that even its kid like someone would say something to you. But that's not really we feel. When someone walks through them, you feel it. And if someone is feeling down or you feel their energy is low, if you get down there with them, no, it's no good for anybody. You have to stay out of it so they can see their way out of it. It's like we talk about the hotel. If you're on one floor and there on that floor with you, you're vibrating together. There's something that's vibrating together, and if you let them kind of pull you down onto that level, then you're both stuck there. But if you rise higher, then you're you don't even notice the negativity that might bother you, but they can see that way out.

spk_0:   14:50
You've mentioned it being like a lighthouse or, you know, being like a star for someone to follow. But, you know, kind of providing that that sends a common fulfillment that I think is really attractive. And when you see someone that is just so self confident and so a piece of themselves, it's almost like you look at them. You like, What's their secret like? That was kind of cool. It's over there, Yes

spk_1:   15:12
and yeah, and date people want to be around you because they want you lift them up, and that's all. You know, when I work with people, I love what I do. All I want them to do is feel better about themselves and feel good about themselves and feel that there were the powerful cause we all are, and we're all meant to shine. We're all meant to be amazing at what we d'oh. There's no competition, you know, as far as that goes, there's pool. We have this mindset that there's like successes in a bottle, and it's there's only so much to go around where there's abundance for everybody.

spk_0:   15:46
I completely agree. And I always think that it makes me sad when I see competition in a negative way, particularly among women and in business. You know, you have someone who's doing works in the same industry, is you and whatever and you feel like they're win is your loss. And that makes me really sad, because I agree there is enough to go around. And, of course, like from a business standpoint, I would say, Well, if you and someone else have the exact same business than like, one of you is not being authentic because like two people are not the same. So like, you need to inject more of yourself into your business so that it's different or, you know, find some thing that differentiates you. But I think that it's really it's a quick shortcut to be like well, she's a photographer and I'm a photographer and you know, she look how successful her many sessions were this fall and mine weren't so. It must be because, like, she want I lost. But like, that's a really negative kind of take away from that, and I think that the better way to look at it it's like, Oh, cool. Like a lot of people, I just want to do many sessions. Maybe I can change how you know, market mine or whatever it is.

spk_1:   16:48
Well, the reality is any sort of comparison. Just hold you back because you're not being your authentic self. If you're trying to be like anybody else, you're not being your authentic self and owning your Natalie ists

spk_0:   17:00
Thio whatever your name is. Yeah, like you are you

spk_1:   17:05
and they're them. And I do believe that the closer you rub yourself up again success, the more success you're gonna get, the more you celebrate other success, you're gonna get success yourself. It's funny, my son is a wrestler, and I definitely think watching him grow as a as a wrestler going to high school really taught me a lot because during the season, some of his clothes that some of his friends would be his biggest adversaries. But then, on the off season, they needed each other to practice against each other because you're only as good as you can imagine to. You only need to people, but you need someone good to practice again so that you get better. So it's like there was this humbleness about it because they needed each other. But then they were against each other. It's just very in your face, very black and white. And these boys, all who had such respect for each other. And I learned a lot by watching that. And then on the other side of the coin, maybe you see, with your teenager, you know the same thing that you were talking about, getting passed down where the like I have to call her down. So I feel better and it's like, you see that it's like, No, he should just celebrate each other's success. I'm happy for everything you're doing. But be happy for me as well.

spk_0:   18:18
Yeah, and I think every time that I've ever kind of forced myself to reach out to someone and like, you know, that I am forced myself. But you know, we all have that jealousy that, like, rises up tonight there were human. We're human. And then if you can kind of take a step and say OK, like, I'm actually really happy for that girl like, it couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. And I have on occasion, like, texted them or, you know, reach out. I've been like, hey, like, really glad to see you succeeding. The response back is always Oh, my gosh, Are you kidding? Like a You know, I am really Could be like I feel the same way about you. You're killing in this other area and it's so easy for us to like compare our like our losses, other people's wins. Yeah, I think that social media fosters that in us because everyone's sharing their highlight reel. Yeah, yeah. And so comparison really is the thief of joy. A cz. The quote goes well

spk_1:   19:08
in what you just said, Waas. Whenever you've reached out and you've given out that positivity, you get it right back. Yeah, so it's like what you're giving out You're getting back. So if you're putting out that competitive nature where you're like she wins, I lose it when she loses, I'm on top. You're on, You know, like that. Like I'm putting my hand on

spk_0:   19:28
way too much for this to be a podcast. Recorded a video very animated here. But,

spk_1:   19:37
Theun your you'll either be upper down. It's that yo, yo, where you just want to be happy and consistent. Give off positive energy, Get that positive energy back. You know, because if you put off the negative, you're just gonna get the negatives back and you're just gonna be unhappy. And you know, you'll be more successful if you're happy for other success one

spk_0:   19:55
100% and like, that's just a nicer way to live. No, I don't want to feel those icky feeling. You have the feeling of them. It's like let it pass like don't attribute value to it. Do not need to believe every thought that pops into your head.

spk_1:   20:08
The I mean, we're all human. Some of the greatest spiritual teachers that I follow. One's a Zen Buddhist audio Shanti and love him one of my teachers solely a wellness Aaron Waiting introduced me to him and he always has. I'm the same as you I have these thoughts come into my head, but I just let them go faster. So it's just like a muscle. It's not like I can't do this or anything. You just start meditating. Just start getting quiet. Just start having a little self reflection and it will grow and you'll get to a point where you're like, you'll have those reactions and then you let it go. And it's funny. I e. Have moments lately where I see something like all they look great and then, like, should I be happy? Great. Like I

spk_0:   20:53
mean, I guess I am. I over Mina. Oh, no, like we're human, We are gonna

spk_1:   21:01
trip up and like I said, it's work every day and we are gonna fail. But we have to forgive ourselves. That's another whole different thing. We can't beat ourselves up for our humanness. We have to say, I forgive you. I love you. Let's start again. I think that's Gabby. Bernstein says that all the time. It's great because it's like you have to move on. You can't ever get stuck in a problem. You have to work towards that solution, which is just to feel better.

spk_0:   21:26
I loved what you said the other day. I was a honey, remember, Wade, I want someone who everything's basically I was talking about, like, a negative thought that I had heard or something that I was carrying. And you're like, you hear it, friend it and then and then let it go like it was kind of this, like, you know, I'm like, Oh, look, my energy dialogue is like this negative thing, and you're just like, OK, honor it. Friended Yeah, and be like, Okay, I hear that part of you know me of you. You have a kind of personified outside of yourself and then, just, you know, make peace with it. I think something that you really that we come back to Alatas, whenever you're facing resistance, there's that to fifth, like pounding into each other like that kind of friction that resistance is always an indication of You're going about it in the wrong way. Yeah.

spk_1:   22:09
So whenever you feel that resistance, it's never about the other person. It's always something going on with you. And that button is there. They're so they're just pressing it. It's already there's maybe a wound from the past, something that's happened to you and they're just pressing it. So it's really just there for you to honor and say What's showing up for me right now? Why am I feeling this? Like I need to go meditate me toe kind of figure it out and then honor it Because you are a human person. You've had your experiences. You've your wounds from the past. Honor it and he'll from it. If we don't face it like I always look at, I would stay in yoga class LA times. Your yoga mat is your mirror. What is it showing you what's coming up for you? Because we all have a past. We have our wounds and we moved because we're meant to move and breathe. Um, to move the energy around, things come up and they come a presto, let go. If we just shove it back down, we don't grow. We don't evolve. We don't let shit go so we could be happier. I mean, we just have to let go, and we're all in this together, too. I

spk_0:   23:17
mean, that's a big

spk_1:   23:18
piece of it. We're all in this together. Nobody's against each other. If we look at ourselves as one collective moving forward. We're gonna do amazing things. If we work against each other, we're only gonna go so far.

spk_0:   23:31
Something that you mentioned several times is that separateness is an illusion. So, like, we are all connected at our core. And you know, this idea of separate is always rooted in ego. Let's talk about you go thing. And honestly, you can't be a bit like you Don't start a business unless you have something some ego in you. You don't think that your you have something special to share then like you're not going to start a business. So, like I always laugh whenever you talk about ego and I think that we talk about them, we use the word a little bit differently for me. Like I haven't you go? Absolutely. Yes, I I kind of embrace my eye

spk_1:   24:12
because ego is not all bad. We all have an ego are equals to keep us safe. They tell us to run from danger. They let us enjoy hugs. They like they are good in a lot of ways. It's just when we overthink and we get too far into our ego that it trips us up, and the ego is where it's that separateness of, like wait like we talked about if you and I lose so anything that's like highs and lows or against is ego. But if you like things like celebrating each other's success, things like that, you understand that we're all in this together and a lot of people slot of spiritual leaders say that we are all just like little hologram seeing things in each other. We're reflecting things in each other that we see in ourselves. So if you see something you don't like in someone in your evil gets tricked. It's probably something it's not. Probably it is, but this is heavy shed, like what you're seeing, every delegate that you see in yourself that you need to work through. And that's always my hardest things. I'm just like I realized that you walk away. You want to just be like Darren asshole and

spk_0:   25:20
maybe the oh, not

spk_1:   25:23
that you don't want to take that on yourself, you you

spk_0:   25:26
know, and that's not constructive, right? So if you know something, I think you really taught me is like if you are experiencing that resistance, if something bubbles up for you. If someone really pisses you off, it's always about you. It's not about you or your greatest teacher. Yes, I'm always so grateful. And I I mean this honestly, there are some people in my life that really pushed my buttons and they let me know what my buttons are. And so I'm able to, you know, not always in the moment, like in the moment you're like, Oh, God, fuck this person. But like, after you step away and you kind of coming down off that emotional hi, you're not a high in a positive way. But like the emotional surge of like, Oh, I'm so angry. I read you read. I would argue that it's so valuable to take a step back and say, OK, what was that actually about? Why am I upset about this? What did it trigger in me and then take on her look in the eye away at the bottom of it, for me is away. Some work I have to show are usually for me. It always comes back to a control issue, but on actually speaking of control, which I think a lot of business owners else's, you know struggle with something that you've always talked about and you mentioned it briefly earlier is like while you're trying to force yourself down this one path that you've decided success, the universe might have something so much better for you over on this other side. Like you are just strong arming your weight forward. We're in the direction that you're looking. Yeah, you're missing opportunities that are in your peripheral vision. Yeah, that you can't see because you're just so insanely focused forward. Right? Um and so I think that meditation is like your key, that Andy. And that's something that we've got a lot of. So why don't you share? You know, if let's say that you're like me and you always thought that you didn't have time for meditation. You're too busy. I think you should be. Oh, from her like a daily practice. But that was like if you don't have time to meditate for 20 minutes, you need to meditate for our meditation

spk_1:   27:25
can be super scary, like people like. I don't have time for that. First, it doesn't take long. You know. You can do it in the morning when you wake up, but what it does for you. I'm just a basic level is you're able to quiet your mind so your mind is just in overdrive going in one direction. You're hitting walls, you're bumping up against things. You take a moment to breathe. Connect with yourself like go of your mind. And what happens is literally things open up for you. Maybe little things will come into your mind that will lead you in the right direction. Maybe you'll have some creative insights to something that you should be doing. Maybe that situation that you're dealing with my after you meditate, you'll come back to it with a completely open mind and you'll take it in a different direction. It's just taking a moment to be mindful and get quiet. Have some time with yourself. Shut down, relax and come back to things in a better manner. One of Abraham and Hicks I listen to daily they always say meditator. Take a

spk_0:   28:27
nap because you're

spk_1:   28:29
just resetting and you're shifting your mindset because when something's hard, it really shouldn't be that hard, right. It's not right for you, or you're just maybe need to come back, meditate and get back into it. And like I was saying, I think we said earlier meditations like a muscle, you just do it and you get better at it. It's not something that you beat yourself up about. If you sit down and you meditate and chatters coming into your mind, let the cheddar happen and just kind of maybe try to take your attention off the chatter, trying to get quiet and eventually you'll just be, like, addicted to it like I am and be like, Wow, I don't know what I would do without it

spk_0:   29:10
something that always surprised me when we first started meditating because I I literally oh my gosh, even saying it out loud, I'm still like Oh, my God, meditation like I still have such a ridiculous association with it. Um, And one of the things that you usually will say during our meditations is notice that there's nothing happening in this room. You notice that it's quiet noted, and I'm always like, Oh my God, it is because it might. My mind is so loud, and I never realized how loud

spk_1:   29:38
you're creating space and you're kind and you're creating space for new things to come. You're like you're doing so much for your health, Thio. You're increasing the gray matter in your brain, which just helps you, you know, and so on so many levels. You're reducing your stress. Your you can lose weight from meditating Because I did this whole hormone course at I am for my health coaching. And I thought it was gonna be all about progesterone and estrogen.

spk_0:   30:04
It was a lot about

spk_1:   30:05
that. It was a lot about the effects of stress on the body and how When you get quiet and you meditate, you engage your pituitary gland, which tells all the other glands what to excrete. It helps your body relax. It bounced the hormones. It just, like, has so many health benefits. Um, and it makes you feel better. You're not walking around in that fight or flight reactionary stage, not reacting to everything that happens to you so quickly, so passionately. You have a moment to just be mindful about what you're eating, what you're doing, how you respond to things. It just changes your whole life.

spk_0:   30:43
It really and I have to say, like for myself it it has changed so much for him so much more even keel. Maybe the people around me wouldn't agree with that. Me and my have, like, things were just a lot more even. Um, and I'm just so grateful for and my silly idea about it was that it was gonna be wasted time. Be sure there's no tangible takeaway consent. That's that doing exactly like my mantra always needs to be. I am more than what I d'oh because I'm just sure constantly addicted to the high of putting things out, having them, you know, consumed in some way business, you know, make either selling making lists. You know, whatever it is, she checking little boxes. Um and so I kind of thought that meditation will not be productive. And so then, after I got into the the habit of it, which was sort of I feel like did I didn't sign up for that, did we? Do shook me into that. Like, Howdy Oh, get their way. I honestly convert people. I e a little good dealer. Pushchair meditation. It's so funny, because a lot

spk_1:   31:45
I personal trainer as well and a lot of people like convert to yoga and meditation. Um, and I think you should do it all. You obviously have to work out and everything. But it's funny how I do that. But it is just about I'm not saying Don't work hard. I'm one of the hardest I I work hard. Um, I'm saying I'm just saying, Take a moment to meditate, get quiet. So you're more productive. When you do work, you're on the right path. I mean, everybody knows somebody like this that literally competes about every little thing. Like they wanna be the best of everything. And you're like if they took a month minute to just get quiet and and really tune into themselves, they can set their priorities to what's really important to them. And they could say, I don't really care about that. This I really care about. You'll just be more focused, too, because, you know, we can get so scattered, we can get pull social media and everything you see out there is like to be doing this. I could be doing this. I got to be wearing this. I got to be, you know, meditate. We meditate that we can come to the world and know what's for us and what's not for us. and let it go when it's not for us,

spk_0:   32:59
that is so well put. I and I love every time you see let it go It's like to me. I'm like, Oh, like I feel like such a breath of air. It's like Oh my gosh, yes, Please let her go. I remember one of our first meditations Waas taking all the sticky notes off already asked.

spk_1:   33:14
Well, I do this actually a lot with when I did some girls empowerment stuff is we talk about all this stress that can stick to you through your day, just like I was talking about earlier is everyone is energy. So when someone walks into your space and you left their energy in, it's like a sticky note attached to you that maybe your boss was mean to you. There's another sticky note. Your mom and dad put pressure on you for something sticky. Note sticky note sticky note, and they head up through the day. And if you think about all the things stick to you through the day you come to your matter, you sit down, you get quiet and you let that all fall away, and we also in that meditation, too. We let it go. We feel ourselves up with light and love, and we create a bubble around ourselves because really, you are the only one who can let things in and you decide what you let it. So meditation can also strengthen you to where you're like. You know what? That person's energy today, I'm not really loving it, and that's okay. I'm gonna send you love and light. But I'm not gonna let that penetrate my being because I want to feel good. And if you do feel like it's sexual about, you go meditating. You let it go when you create your bubble around yourself because you're better for that person. It's just like getting down in the mud. If you feel their energy, it's like your household, your kids, your husband. If somebody has a bad day, if everyone's in a bad mood, what's gonna happen? It's just a miserable place to be the dogs, even feeling

spk_0:   34:39
it way where one person

spk_1:   34:44
is in a bad mood and everyone out stays even in stays within themselves. You could get that for you. Convey a light for that person to come out of or Maybe they need to go take a nap, aren't do something that makes them come out of it on their own. But everyone gets down in the dirt. We just can't go anywhere.

spk_0:   35:00
So and of, like, part of the meditation is like that physical like you literally pick off these, Jana. And it's such a strong visual on just the physical action, you know, reaching towards yourself. Yeah, grabbing the sticky notes and then just throwing them out. And And I love to you in my head, I'm, like, firm. Um and you're like, no recycled universe. I'm like, I have a lot of things people ask. Where does that energy go? Eyes like transmuting into somebody else. You know, it Just put it down to Mother Earth and show Recycle into good stuff. Eyes gone. It's a disa Bates. I love that one guy precision that you and I had really, like, kind of creative a little nugget for me that I love to share with people. So my mom and I do the sessions together with you. And you were You said something about Oh, yeah. You know, if you if you like, we talked about today there's this book about it and there's this, you know, I learned it from this guy, and, uh and I was like, Yeah, Joe, like, I just want to hear you, like, for me. Jill is my expert in all things spiritual Ray, Key energy, yoga, mental stability mindset. You are my beacon for all of those things. And I personally feel no desire to look outside of you for those things. Yes, says we, but it's true. And it made me think about how it's so easy for all of us to think about where we learn things from on. Like we feel this sort of hierarchy between, like, there's other people in my field doing this better than me or doing been doing this longer or whatever it is, but they're not your audience. So, like, for me, I used to follow a Tana photographers on Instagram, And so whenever someone was like, Oh my gosh, you're the best photographer in the world in my head, I'm like, actually, uh, so that was the best doctor in the world. And, you know, I consulate was just like filling my feet and filling my attention with all these people that are better at, you know, my craft, that me. And so I was kind of always looking up, and I forgot to kind of realize that, like, for the people in my life, I am the expert on photography and like, that's a beautiful thing and I really are Well, thank you. I mean, to honor that, that's such a special thing. And it's it's important to realize that because they think it's so easy for all of us to constantly comparing ourselves back to comparison to other people. And it's it's nice to just kind of take a moment and be like, You know what? For my audience, I am that authority and that's a that's a good thing, like they come to you for you. And I think when for me when I made the connection between that and thinking like why I've come to Joe for Jill like, I don't really even care what we talk about every week, like it's whatever Jill wants to talk to you about that, like for me, that's that's the truth. That's the important thing that I needed to hear when

spk_1:   37:42
you said that's me, that was such a learning moment for me as well, because I was like, way I need to own us because also were no matter where we get our information from its filtering through me. And it's not just that one information is that information. And you had said this to me and everything else that you've had life experience wise, everything else you've learned. So I think that that is kind of a little bit of like that burnt toast in everywhere. We're not owning our brilliance, really? On our how we come to the world and we show up and just what you're spreading is yours. And that was big for me because I was like, Wait a minute, you're right. I'm just constantly giving it away. And I obviously we are so grateful for all of our teachers in the world that teaches many things. But it's how it filters through us and what we have to offer that we also need to celebrate. Um, I think as women in particular not to show that the man, but as women in particular, I think we're really quick to not own our successes as well. And we really need thio because we're pretty awesome, and I think it's important and to really celebrate that and not in a place of competition, but in a place of I'm grateful for every experience I've ever had to make me who I am. I want to be who I waas am, how I was who I am today. If I didn't stumble, fall, learn, get back a blah, blah. And I think it's important for us all to celebrate that and also be like, Yeah, I like who I am and where I came from. I'll every one of us. Really?

spk_0:   39:23
Yeah, and it takes that pressure off of our delivery. Bols, I think because

spk_1:   39:28
sure you're right.

spk_0:   39:29
If you can accept that your audience is coming to you for you than however you're showing up that day, I mean, assuming that you are still trying your best, then like that's enough. And sometimes it can be hard to accept that your best on a particular day is enough. But honestly, you can't do more than your best. It's your rest.

spk_1:   39:50
Yeah, and you need to, like, say, I did my best and I'm proud of myself and I'm good, you

spk_0:   39:56
know? And it was a bad day than tomorrow. Be better like, you know, kind of thing. I think it's we're all really hard on ourselves when it comes to their

spk_1:   40:04
so hard on ourselves. We beat ourselves up and then we beat ourselves up about beating ourselves up

spk_0:   40:09
way, beat ourselves up, and then we get mad that we're beating ourselves up. It's

spk_1:   40:14
just this vicious cycle where it's like if you think about yourself as you would like your child or anyone you love in your life and you look at them and you say, Would you see those things to somebody that you love? The answer's no. So why are you saying it to yourself? Right? We need not wait. We need to treat ourselves with love. And that way we spread more love and light to the world, and we need it right now. We need it. We always need it.

spk_0:   40:42
Oh, I wish it. And there I like I said. And I think you're gonna be in the park at 17 more time way. Just have you know, he's a least I have these huge takeaways from our sessions. So I learned Justus much from tagging.

spk_1:   41:02
For sure, we're all just in this together. We're on this journey and we need to lift each other up. I love this. I love that you're doing this. Thank you so much. Thank

spk_0:   41:09
you. Um, how can our followers follow you?

spk_1:   41:14
They can follow me on instagram. Jill, Christine Samson with no p. I am at embody and you can find me online. There you can find my classes. I do. Private meditation, spiritual guidance. You can find me. I'm on Facebook.

spk_0:   41:30
Thio. We're also gonna tag her and linked everything s o Jill, Thank you so much for being with us today and just sharing your light. Thanks for listening to the own your bold podcast. For show notes, resource is freebies and more. Visit own your gold dot fitz, or come to you are up to on Instagram and Facebook at Emboldened biz till next time